A Play To Be Staged

Lucifer, who was once an angel, is condemned to rule the hell forever after the rebellion he started against the wills of his father, the God. After his ruling for a while, he decides to come to earth and live with creatures called ‘’humans’’. He is fed up with torturing and the hell. His only wish is to live a normal life, without torturing and hell stuff. He lives happily for a while, he owns a nightclub, drinks, grants favors and so on, until Sinnerman appears, who is obsessive with killing powerful men in the world, and calls himself the ‘’Sinnerman’’. Lucifer is immortal in the world, and his greatest power is to see the desires of humans by looking into their eyes, which he can use to torture them.

Lucifer enters:
I am the mighty Lucifer Morningstar,
who is the devil condemned to rule the hell
after disobeying his father’s commands.
Yet I again disobeyed that arrogant smart-ass God,
Came to earth to live with
The creatures that he created.
I live peacefully
After the days I rule the hell.
I grant favors to humans,
In exchange for one day’s pay-back favors.
So, come humans,
Whoever wants a favor,
Visit me in my club,
Norway’s greatest club,
So that I can grant you favors.

Jimi Hexdrix enters:
You mighty Lucifer,
I have heard that you grant favors,
I am a rotten musician,
Who wants to be a great rock star.
So, tell me, can you help me you mighty,

Yes, consider it done,
You pathetic musician,
You will be a great musician,
Whom the world will adore,
With whom the world will inspire.
But decide well,
This wish can result in your death,
At an early age,
Might be sooner or later,
Then you would ever expect.
Or when the time comes,
If ever I might need your help for once,
You will pay your favor back to me,
And I will consider that,
The payback is done.

Jimi Hendrix:
Sincerely Mr. Lucifer Morningstar,
Once you grant my wish,
When the day comes,
I will be ready to help,
Or even die,
Cause I will be the happiest man alive.
Lucifer and Jimi exit. Amanadiel Enters
I am Amanadiel,
The mighty Angel,
Who is sent to earth,
To convince Lucifer,
To take him back to hell,
Cause hell is now,
Is without a ruler,
No one tortures the damned souls.
The hell needs you back little brother,
Where are you.
Amanadiel Exits, Lucifer and Sherlock Enters
Sherlock Holmes:
Lucifer Morningstar,
I heard you grant favors,
Could you get my wish done.

What is it,
That you wish.
What is it,
That you desire,
You pathetic soul.

My wish, dear Lucicer,
Is to become a great detective,
Who catches,
And punishes,
Evil men in the wolrd.

Oh, dear Sherlock,
Consider your wish done,
I am the torturer and punisher,
From up above,
In the hell,
After the evil men dies,
I am the one,
Who makes them live,
Their greatest fears and desires.
Since I have no power,
To do this punishment in the world,
You can fulfill the emptiness,
And become the punisher right here,
In this world.
Amanadiel Enters, Sherlock exits.
Where have you been Lucifer,
I have been searching for you,
The hell is now,
Without a ruler,
The souls up above,
Waiting to be tortured,
By the ruler of hell,
So, my dear brother,
Come to your home,
You are needed up above.

Oh, my dear brother,
Whom is loved by,
Our precious father,
Yet, he condemned me,
To rule the hell,
Which I don’t like,
Or want anymore.
So big brother,
No matter how much you insist,
I will not be persuaded,
Cause I don’t care up above,
I am happy with my life,
Down here on the Earth,
With these humans, drinks, and foods.
So, bugger-off big brother,
And tell our father that,
Lucifer is happy,
And will not turn back to hell.
Lucifer and Amanadiel Exit. Sinnerman enters.
I am the Sinnerman,
Whose only desire and passion,
Is to kill the people,
Who are powerful,
And who boast a lot.
Now I hear that,
There is an devil in here,
Who boasts a lot.
I know that he is powerful,
And immortal in this world.
Stronger than everybody,
Which makes me angry,
It is the time,
For me to show lucifer that,
He is not the man, to boast,
Or to live in this world peacefully.
It is now my time,
To knock the hell out of Lucifer.
Here I send a message to him,
Mocking his personality,
And insulting him to his death.
I have killed Jimi Hendrix,
To whom Lucifer is granted a favor,
At the age of 27,
And cooked his bones
To make a soup,
And sent it to Lucifer.
Now I think,
Lucifer will try to find me.
Come to me Lucifer, come.
Sinnerman exits, Sherlock and Lucifer Enters.
Hello, My dear Lucifer,
I have some bad news,
The man you granted favors,
Is killed by a man,
Who calls himself,
The ‘’Sinnerman’’.
He also has a message,
For you my dear friend.
We found his body,
In a horizontal ground,
With a devastating scene.

Oh, who dares to kill,
A man to whom I granted favors,
How does he dare to kill my Jimi Hendrix,
Whose music I like.
Today, I was delivered a soup,
From a man called the ‘’Sinnerman’’,
I didn’t understand at first,
But now I see that,
The bones in it,
Were the bones of my dear Jimi.
Wait for me, Sinnerman,
I will make you feel,
Your greatest fears,
Once I learn your fears and desires,
I will use them to make you feel,
Your maximum pain.
The pain you will feel,
Will be so devastating that,
You will wish not to have been born,
And not to have get out from your mom’s womb.
Sherlock and Lucifer exit, Sinnerman enters.
Come to me Lucifer,
I will be your biggest enemy,
The one that you want to punish,
The one that you want to take revenge.
Now with this letter,
I am giving you my address,
Come if you want to meet your biggest enemy,
That you will hate more than your father.
I will be your punishment,
Down here on the earth.
Sinnerman exits, Lucifer enters.
I am coming for you,
To make you feel,
Your biggest fears,
Once that I learn them,
I will use it to demolish you.
Here I am, with all my might
Where are you, coward?
Sinnerman Enters.
Oh, here you are dear Lucifer,
Follow my voice,
If you want to catch me.

Come out you coward,
I am here for you.  
You will see what pain is like,
When I catch you.
Are you in this room you coward?
(The door shots)

Well, well. You fell into my trap,
Here you are,
Ye so-called mighty devil.
Now, you will fade away here,
Till the eternity,
Or till someone finds to rescue you.
Am I fool to call you otherwise,
As I know that you are immortal.
But these doors are made of thick steel,
Even which you cannot break through.
Farewell my friend, my dear friend Lucifer.
You will never catch me.
Sinnerman Exits. Amanadiel enters.
Ha, ha, my dear brother,
Are you trapped as a fool,
By a human being,
I thought you were cleverer than that.
But here I am, to save you.
But in one condition, brother,
You will go back to hell,
To the place that you belong.

Oh, my dear brother,
I can promise you that,
Once I catch that foolish man,
I will return back to hell,
To make him feel his worst nightmares,
And pains, till eternity.
(Amanadiel saves Lucifer, sets him free.)
Amanadiel exits, Sherlock enters.
Dear Lucifer, where have you been
I have been looking for you,
We have found Sinnerman’s address,
And caught him.
Now that we have caught him,
You should be eased.

Oh, dear Sherlock,
Take me to him,
So that I can look at his eyes,
And learn his greatest fears and desires.
Lucifer and Sherlock exit. Sinnerman enters.
I might have been caught,
But Lucifer will never find out,
What my fears and desires are.
Once I carve my eyes,
With this pen.
Ha, ha, ha.
Lucifer and Sherlock enter.
Look at who is here now,
My greatest enemy,
The so-called Sinnerman.
What will you do now,
Now that you are caught,
Look at me, and I will see,
Your greatest fears and desires.
(Sinnerman turns to Lucifer and Lucifer sees his carved eyes.)
Oh no, you insane,
You lunatic fool.
How am I supposed to see your weaknesses?
How will I punish you up above,
In hell.
Nooooooooooo, I will never have,
The pleasure to punish,
And torture you.


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